Innovative Perspectives
2025-01-16 Science & technology Global Strategy on Human Resources for Health: Workforce (健康專業人力資源全球策略) Ling-Chun Chiang (江令君助理教授)
2024-10-29 quality (品質) 25X25X25 (25X25X25) Tzu-I Chiu (邱子易助理教授)
2024-07-29 Long-term care(長期照顧) Social Participation of Older Adults (高齡者社會參與) Su, Yin-Lin (蘇億玲副主任)
2024-04-19 Science & technology Insights on smart infusion pumps (智慧型輸液幫浦之真知灼見) Wang Yi-Chen (王怡貞資訊護理師)
2024-02-06 Science & technology Artificial Intelligence Challenges for Nursing (人工智慧對護理的挑戰) Chang, Yu Mei (張玉梅副教授)
2023-11-08 Mental health A global mental health crisis (全球精神心理健康危機) Jung-Chen Chang (張榮珍副教授)
2023-10-20 Science & technology The Benefits and Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Nursing (人工智慧對護理的助益與衝擊) Shih-Ting, Li (李世婷護理師)
2023-06-01 Mental health Fentanyl Abuse(芬太尼濫用) Yang, Cheng-I (楊政議教授)
2023-03-02 Mental health Regaining the Starlight-Post Pandemic Nursing Resilience (重拾星光-談後疫情之護理復原力) Wu Chiung Chun (吳瓊君護理師)
2023-02-20 Environment conserve Protecting the Earth is everyone’s responsibility~Talk about net zero carbon emissi (保護地球人人有責~談淨零碳排) Liao, Hui Yen (廖慧燕副主任)
2022-11-11 Epidemic Control Monkeypox (猴痘 ) Ko, Nai-Ying (柯乃熒副院長)
2022-08-25 Long-term care(長期照顧) Swallowing training strategy for golden aged–tongue-to-palate resistance exercise(銀髮吞嚥訓練新招式-舌頂硬顎運動) Chuang, Shuting (莊淑婷副院長)